This is a preliminary schedule for QRS 2022 and may change before the event.
All times are in GMT.
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Virtual registration
08:00 - 08:45
We will provide support during this time and throughout the day to answer questions or help with any technical challenges
Session 1
08:45 - 09:45
Session | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Session 1A: Emotional Vulnerability 1 | Qualitative Researchers Experiences in Emotionally Demanding Research. Presented by: Thomas Gretton (Florida State, University) and Anna Farello (Loughborough University) | Emotional vulnerability: Counselling supervision services and ethical practice in qualitative research. Presented by: Rebecca Whiting (Birkbeck, University of London), Helen Cooper (Birkbeck, University of London) and Janet Sheath (Birkbeck, University of London) | Researching emotional topics during emotional times: Reflecting on best practice for the management and negotiation of emotional labour in qualitative social research. Presented by: Natasha Stonebridge (University of Gloucestershire), Samantha Hughes (University of Gloucestershire) and Sarah Lemon (University of Gloucestershire) |
Session 1B: Embracing Vulnerability | Inviting and embracing vulnerability in research with women who use drugs. Presented by: Karen Hammond (University of the West of Scotland) | Embracing vulnerability in relational research with children and nonhuman nature. Presented by: Hannah Hogarth (University of Bath) and Eliane De-Bastos (University of Bath) | 'Please explain to me how I’m vulnerable’: Learning how to rework experiences of researcher vulnerability by listening carefully to care experienced young people. Presented by: Dawn Mannay (Cardiff University) |
Session 1C: Gender and Feminist Perspectives of Vulnerability | Negotiating physical and emotional vulnerability as a female researcher researching men’s mental health. Presented by: Alex Vickery (University of Bristol) | Accessing vulnerability: a researcher's journey while conducting research on sexual violence. Presented by: Rineeta Banerjee (University of Calcutta) | |
Session 1D: Gauging Potential for Harm | Female researcher safety: the difficulties of recruiting participants at conventions for people with dwarfism. Presented by: Erin Pritchard (Liverpool Hope University) | Research in war zones. Presented by: Rasheed Abdul Hadi (Bath Spa University) | Reflections from research with homeless populations: The effects of over- and under-estimating researcher vulnerability. Presented by: Emily Wertans (University of Leicester) |
Session 1E: Resilience and Vulnerability | Attending to Researcher Vulnerability using Trauma and Resilience Informed Research Principles & Practice. Presented by: Natalie Edelman (University of Brighton) | Sticking your head above the parapet: on the importance of researcher resilience. Presented by: Kate Woodthorpe (University of Bath) | Outside the Therapy Room: On the journey from practice to research in supporting early psychosis recovery. Presented by: Mark Batterham (Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust), Aled Singleton (Swansea University), Pamela Jacobsen (University of Bath) and Alpna Bose (Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust) |
Welcome and introduction
10:00 - 11:10
Hosted by: Bryan Clift
Keynote presentation
Title TBC
Hosted by: Dr Milli Lake (London School of Economics)
11:10 - 11:30
Session 2
Session | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Session 2A: Grief and Death | 'I Just Need a Break. I Just Want to Chill Out. I Don't Wanna Hear About Any More Deaths.': A Research Teams’ Reflections on Conducting Emotionally Demanding Research with the Bereaved. Presented by: Jo Batey (University of Winchester) | Embracing my own vulnerability as a researcher in a qualitative study in neurooncology. Presented by: Ronja Thallner (Heidelberg University Hospital), Wolfgang Wick (Heidelberg University Hospital) and Loraine Busetto (Heidelbery University Hospital) | |
Session 2B: Emotional Vulnerability 2: Practical Considerations | Supporting emotionally demanding research: developing guidance for a social and public health sciences research unit. Presented by: Susie Smillie, (University of Glasgow), Julie Riddell, (University of Glasgow) | Researching distressing topics ethically: reflections on interviewing nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Presented by: Anna Conolly (University of Surrey), Jill Maben (University of Surrey), Ruth Abrams (University of Surrey), Emma Rowland (King’s College London), Ruth Harris (King’s College London) | Sensitive, challenging, and difficult topics: Experiences and practical considerations for qualitative researchers. Presented by: Sergio A. Silverio (King’s College London), Kayleigh Sheen (Liverpool John Moores University), Abigail Easter (King’s College London), Jane Sandall (King’s College London) |
Session 2C: Gender, Race and Vulnerability | Femme Praxis: Using Femme Theory to foster vulnerability within research design and institutions. Presented by: Rhea Ashley Hoskin (University of Waterloo), Lilith Whiley (Birkbeck, University of London) | Researcher, fighter, c***: A reflection of vulnerability and violence in the field. Presented by: Zoe John (Swansea University) | |
Session 2D: Facing Vulnerability Online | Challenging issues of integrity and identity of participants in nonsynchronous online qualitative methods. Presented by: Abigail Jones (University of Bath), Line Caes (University of Stirling) and Abbie Jordan (University of Bath) | Qualitative Analysis for sensitive online research: how to protect against researcher vulnerabilities. Presented by: Olivia Brown (University of Bath), Adam Joinson (University of Bath) and Julie Gore (Birkbeck, University of London) | The vulnerable researcher, the trusted local team & the trusting farmers. Presented by: Aurelie Larquemin (University of Bath) |
Session 2E: Positionality and Vulnerability | Researcher vulnerability in the researcher-participant relationship. Presented by: Yashar Mahmud (Stockholm University) | Epistemic injustice in clinical and non-clinical voice-hearers: a qualitative thematic analysis study. Presented by: Olivia Harris (Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust), Carina Andrews, Matthew Broome (University of Birmingham), Claudia Kustner (Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) and Pamela Jacobsen (University of Bath) | Survivor’s guilt: navigating vulnerability as a disabled researcher, interviewing other disabled welfare claimants. Presented by: Rebecca Louise Porter (University of Leeds) |
Lunch Break
12:30 - 13:00
Plenary session
13:00 - 14:00
How to use your research journal to work with vulnerabilities in research
Presented by: Nicole Brown (University College London)
14:00 - 14:15
Session 3
Session | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Session 3A: Vulnerability in Inter and Trans-National Research | Re-thinking Researcher Vulnerability in Policy Research: Based on Fieldwork and Policy Analysis in the Chinese Context. Presented by: Chunhua Chen (University of Bath) | Reflections on ethnographically investigating emotions in organisations in an insecure context: the oil rich Niger Delta of Nigeria. Presented by: Ebele Akure (University of Bath) | Another Spy: Lessons from Dealing with Political Commodities. Presented by: Lonjezo Masikini (University of Bath) | Re/conceptualising Vulnerability in Gendered Research in Post-conflict and Collaborative Research in Times of Crisis. Presented by: Rumana Hashem (University of East London) |
Session 3B: Vulnerability and Migration | Insiderness in migration related research: privilege or a challenge? Presented by: Franka Zlatic (University of Nottingham) | Ethical reflexivity through qualitative study with female refugees in Germany. Presented by: Naseem Sadat Tayebi (LMU Munich) | Vulnerability and research with ‘hidden’ victims of hate crime. Presented by: Amy Clarke (University of Leicester) | |
Session 3C: Vulnerability Across Time - Historical Perspectives | Affecting Accounts: Autobiographical Memoirs and the Vulnerable Researcher. Presented by: Cassie Lowe (University of Winchester) | 'Toto, I’ve got a feeling that we’re not in Kansas anymore': Historical reflections of researcher vulnerability and the impact of power dynamics in postcommunist eastern Europe, lessons learned and their implications for contemporary postgraduate research design and methods in cross-cultural contexts. Presented by: Jo Aubrey (Cardiff Metropolitan University) | How do qualitative researchers express constructs of vulnerability when reflecting on a career in qualitative research? Findings from the Quirkos Qualitative Researcher Journeys project. Presented by: Cathy Gibbons (Quirkos) | |
Session 3D: Field-Based Challenges of Vulnerability | Exploring researchers' vulnerability in codesigned sensitive research. Presented by: Verusca Calabria (Nottingham Trent University), Geraldine Brady (Nottingham Trent University) | Houston we have a problem. The vulnerabilities of using Action Research methodology during a world pandemic. Presented by: Laura Loftus (National University of Ireland), Elisabeth Barratt-Hacking, (University of Bath), Andrea Taylor (University of Bath) | Going in the liminal space: the dilemma between dense life stories and a conceptual orientation in multisited ethnography. Presented by: Lijiaozi Cheng (University of Sheffield) | |
Session 3E: Vulnerability in Institutional Contexts | Cutting through disciplinary lines: Qualitative and creative research with women in supramolecular Chemistry. Presented by: Jennifer Leigh (University of Kent and WISC) | Researcher vulnerability when organisational anonymity is impossible. Presented by: Sarah Bloomfield (The Open University) | 'I felt she had to fight her corner': How qualitative researchers can become vulnerable when conducting qualitative research in trials. Presented by: Clare Clement (University of Bristol), Suzanne Edwards (Swansea University), Hayley Hutchings (Swansea University), Frances Rapport (Macquarie University | - |
Closing session
15:30 - 16:00