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Applying for University accommodation if you have a diagnosed medical condition or disability

If you have a diagnosed medical or mental health condition or disability that would have an impact on your accommodation, it is important that you let us know.

Accommodation to meet your needs

Whatever your needs, our team will collaborate with you to assess your requirements and assign you to a suitable room. Your accommodation requirements could include:

  • an ensuite room or studio
  • a wheelchair accessible room and bathroom
  • a ground floor room, or room close to a lift
  • a room on campus
  • a small kitchen group
  • quiet accommodation

Other additional requirements could include:

  • a vibrating pillow to alert to an evacuation alarm
  • a small refrigerator
  • an assistance or emotional support animal (further assessment required)
  • a long or double bed
  • Eat and Drink credit
  • adaption to cleaning and waste management services

If you would like to speak with the ResLife team, you can contact by email, call on +44(0)1225 383111 or book an appointment to talk through your specific requirements.

Applying with additional requirements

First year students with a firm course offer or Restarters

You need to submit an accommodation application through the accommodation portal. If you require a specific room or facilities, it is important we know this by 1 July.

Important information to follow when making applying:

  • you must select all the required number of accommodation preferences, this may mean you will have to apply for rooms that would not be suitable
  • you must select when prompted that you have a condition that would impact on your room allocation
  • you will need to complete the additional requirements form and then upload this to your accommodation portal account along with supporting medical evidence

Insurance or clearing students

If you are an insurance or clearing student and would like to be considered for University accommodation due to your medical, mental health condition or disability, you will be unable to access the accommodation portal to make an accommodation application.

You will need to submit the additional requirements form and email to along with your supporting medical evidence. Your completed form and medical evidence will enable us to hold a suitable room if you decide to study at University of Bath.

If you do not contact us with room requirements, suitable accommodation may not be available at the time of application.

Our waiting list opens in August. You should email your additional requirements form and supporting evidence to as soon as you have a place with us.

At this stage we cannot guarantee you a room or to meet your specific room requirements, however we will consider your requirements as best as we can.

Returning students

The deadline for returning student applications has now closed.

If you are a first-year student and would like to be considered for University accommodation due to your condition impacting your ability to live in private accommodation, you will need to go through a further eligibility assessment process.

In December, we will contact resident first year students with additional requirements and existing returners by email about your accommodation needs for the next academic year.

If you have not submitted an Eligible Returners form before but wish to be considered for accommodation, please email to request the form.

You will need to complete the form and return to ResLife with your supporting medical evidence by 31 January in the year of entry. This will then be assessed by the Disability Service panel who meet and review all 2025-26 applications on 04 February 2025. We will confirm whether you are eligible for university accommodation by 12 February 2025.

Returning student applications received after 31 January will not be eligible for University managed accommodation. If you are not assessed as eligible for university accommodation or have missed the deadline, you will need to find suitable accommodation in the private sector

Completing the Additional Requirements or Eligible Returner form

Your completed form must:

  • detail your condition/s and how it impacts you on daily basis
  • have all relevant boxes ticked and provide supporting reasons where applicable
  • be uploaded or emailed as a pdf. or image document
  • be written or typed clearly

Submitting supporting medical evidence

Your medical evidence must:

  • include your diagnosis (or diagnoses)
  • be no more than one year old, unless the condition is lifelong/chronic
  • be signed by a doctor or other medical professional
  • be uploaded or emailed as a pdf. or image document
  • be in English

Things that are not an additional requirement and cannot be prioritised for a specific room type or facility:

  • Personal preferences which are not a requirement due to a medical, mental health condition or disability
  • Ensuite accommodation for religious or cultural reasons
  • Ensuite accommodation due to being female or under 18
  • Short term illness or injury that the student will have recovered from before arriving at university.


Financial Support Fund

If the cost of your required accommodation is placing you in financial difficulty you can apply to the Financial Support Fund for assistance. Please note the Fund is discretionary, so no guarantee of an award can be made, though we will do our best to assist where we can.

Speak to the team

Contact us if you have any questions or book an appointment to speak to a member of our team.