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Westwood student accommodation

Westwood is accommodation for first year undergraduate students on the west side of campus.

Welcome to Westwood

Westwood is home to a large part of the student community on campus, with groups of 16 to 22 sharing two or three kitchens and three or four showers and toilets. Westwood is made up of seven blocks of flats for over 650 first year undergraduate students. To make you feel safe and at home, Westwood has a secure living environment, with swipe card access to the buildings and flats and a dedicated operations team.

Westwood has:

  • 38 week accommodation contracts for Mendip, Quarry, Quantock and Derhill.
  • 40 week accommodation contracts for Cotswold, Conygre and Wolfson
Bedroom in Derhill

Key features of Westwood

Just a few of the benefits of living here.

Accommodation Prices

Find out how much it costs to live in Westwood and compare with our other undergraduate accommodation options.

Standard rooms in Westwood cost between £173 and £239 per week. There are 650 rooms in Westwood with 631 standard rooms and 19 studios.

Getting to know your accommodation

Living in Westwood gives you everything you need to work, rest and relax.

A bedroom in Westwood

The bedrooms have:

  • standard 91cm x 183cm single bed with reading light
  • your own wash basin
  • a communal kitchen, perfect for cooking meals and socialising with your flatmates.

Floor plan

A typical bedroom floor plan for Wolfson accommodation block, in Westwood. This is an example, not all bedrooms are exactly the same.

Wolfson bedroom floorplan

Room numbers

Westwood accommodation is made up of seven blocks:

  • Quarry
  • Mendip
  • Wolfson
  • Derhill
  • Quantock
  • Cotswold
  • Conygre

Quarry, Mendip and Wolfson have five floors with 25 rooms on each.

Derhill, Quantock, Cotswold and Conygre have five houses per block. Each block has 19 rooms.

Your room details contain your building, floor or house and room number.

For example the room number:

  • R1.01 means you are located in Quarry, ground floor, room one
  • M1.01 means you are located in Mendip, ground floor, room one
  • L2.02 means you are located in Wolfson, second floor, room two
  • Y1.01 means you are located in Conygre, house one, room one
  • Q2.02 means you are located in Quantock, house two, room two
  • T1.01 means you are located in Cotswold, house one, room one
  • D1.01 means you are located in Derhill, house one, room one

Accommodation for students with a diagnosed medical condition or disability

We have studio rooms available in Westwood.

There is no accessible accommodation for students with disabilities.

A bedroom in Quarry, Westwood.
‘One of the main reasons why I choose Westwood for my accommodation as it is one of the most social accommodations. With 20 people living on one floor, there is always someone to talk to and be with.’
Jinita An International Management and Modern Languages student

Find out if you're eligible to apply for this accommodation

Apply to live in Westwood


Speak to our ResLife team for further information, support and guidance.