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Finding personal or spiritual help

Homesick? Depressed? This guide tells you how the Chaplaincy can support you.

Feeling homesick?

Feeling a bit homesick is quite a common experience for new students - male or female, of any age or background. Don't feel embarrassed by your feelings - talk about them with a friend, your Resident or Academic Tutor.

Your feelings are normal and they usually go away after a while. If they persist longer than you expect, please come and talk to a Chaplain. We run special Homesickness groups each Wednesday at 2.15 throughout October. Don't suffer alone!

Spiritual questions?

Why me? What have I done to deserve this? What is the meaning of my life? Is there life after death? Why do people suffer? Are religion and science friends or foes? The Chaplaincy is here to help you wrestle with these (and other) important questions. We don't know all the answers, but we can help you find them for yourself.

We often have public lectures and discussion groups on hot issues. Email your question to

Personal crisis?

Does it feel like your world is falling apart? Are you stressed out and don't know what to do about it? Perhaps a personal relationship has ended, or a loved one has died? All these are life events that can throw us off balance.

The Chaplains Team are here for you. They are trained and experienced at working alongside people with major wobbles. For an appointment with one of the Chaplains, please email or call in to the Chaplaincy Centre Monday - Friday between 10am and 3pm.

Prayer request?

We believe that prayer is important and works. Whatever your experience of prayer, you are welcome to any of the prayer times at the Chaplaincy Centre. Or just call in anytime for a quiet moment in our Prayer Corner. We have Bibles in 10 different languages, and a shelf of resources on prayer. You can also put personal prayer requests in the Prayer Box just to the left of the Chaplaincy Office door, on the right hand side as you come in.

Need to speak to someone?

The Chaplaincy centre is open every day until 11pm. A member of the Chaplaincy Team is usually there between 10am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. The Chaplaincy duty mobile number is 07966 341370.

If you need to speak to someone at night, please call Nightline - the number can be found on the back of your library cards. Nightline is a confidential listening service run by students for students; open from 8pm to 8am Wednesday to Sunday.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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