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Moving into University accommodation in the city for the first time

What you need to do before you leave home, when to arrive, and what to do once you're here.

A student moving into John Wood Court in the city of Bath
Moving into John Wood Court in the city

Collecting your key

You will need to visit your Accommodation Reception Hub to collect your key:

Arriving out of hours

If you arrive outside of reception opening hours, contact the Security team on +44 (0)1225 385349 on arrival and they will help you to collect your keys.

Find parking in the city

There is no University parking in the city centre so we suggest you use the Pay & Display car parking.

Getting ready to come to University

Information on this page is subject to change so please ensure to check back regularly for the latest information for moving into your accommodation.

We look forward to welcoming you into your accommodation.

Your library card

Your library card is your official proof of ID on campus. You can use it to get into buildings and buy food and drink at the University.

Before you leave home, please register online and upload a photo of yourself for your library card. We will then be able to create your card so it's ready for you to use when you get here.

What to bring, what not to bring

We recommend that you bring a minimal amount of belongings.

Before packing your bags, look at our list of things to bring with you. You should also read our list of things you are not allowed to bring.


If you have any questions, please contact us.