Reminder process
When dealing with debtors Credit Control send out reminders in a certain order. All correspondence is copied to the department administrator for reference.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
When dealing with debtors Credit Control send out reminders in a certain order. All correspondence is copied to the department administrator for reference.
Learn how to remove the old University Print Service printers, ‘UPS1’ and ‘UPS2’, and the Pharos Pop-up app, from your own Mac computer.
Learn how to remove the old University Print Service printers, ‘UPS1’ and ‘UPS2’, and the Pharos Pop-up app from your own Windows 10 computer.
Learn how to remove the old University Print Service printers, ‘UPS1’ and ‘UPS2’, and the Pharos Pop-up app, from your own Windows 11 computer.
This guide provides useful summary of the new Athena Swan renewals process.
You must report a lost or stolen University mobile phone, laptop or tablet to the Police and the University
How to report your sickness absence to your line manager.
If you have lost an item or found somebody else's property, report it to the Security desk in the Library.
Important guidance on what to do to report and manage sickness absence.
How to request a review of the Academic Appeals process and outcome.