Travelling by bus to the University of Bath
Bus services you can take to and from the University's Claverton Down campus.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
Bus services you can take to and from the University's Claverton Down campus.
Over the festive period you may choose to travel around the city or take the opportunity to visit other places in the UK.
The main ways of getting to the city of Bath if you are visiting the University.
How to get to the School of Management building.
Find solutions to common problems with MFA if you are having trouble approving your sign in requests
This page provides links to resources on Trusted Research.
How to mitigate potential risks of sharing information when undertaking international collaborations.
At the University of Bath there are different ways that you can undertake doctoral study. This is a short guide to the available options.
Guidance on what types of maltreatment would trigger a child protection response.
Find out how we consider your UK qualifications when applying for an undergraduate degree