Book the airport coach service
This is a free coach service from London Heathrow airport to the University of Bath.
Instructions, advice and guidance to help you get things done.
This is a free coach service from London Heathrow airport to the University of Bath.
How to book a photographer for events, portraits and marketing materials.
What to do if you'd like to book a room on the University campus and the rules you need to follow.
Find out how to make an appointment with the International Support Service
How to book annual leave and the authorisation process.
The Library has a small number of University approved calculators. These are available for loan from the Library Reader Services desk for use in the Library.
Advice for Library users about reserving, borrowing, returning items from the University Library with information about checking your borrower account.
What you need to know and think about when you're planning to ask someone to add some information to the University website.
Find out about the course and how to apply.
This guide provides information on budget monitoring, and introduces the costing tool for new academic programmes.