Sandra Catalan
Sandra Catalan - Teaching & Research Support TechnicianSandra is a teaching and research support technician in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Sandra is a teaching and research support technician in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Sarah is a senior lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology, working on understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in anxiety and depression.
Sergey is a senior lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
Shobbir is a lecturer in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry and in the Cell and Developmental Biology research group.
Stefan is a senior lecturer in biology and biochemistry, and works in the Infection and Immunity research group.
Stephen is a professor in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
Stephen is Head of the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
Susan is a senior lecturer in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Tamas is a professor in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry, and is a member of the Evolution and Biodiversity research group.
Tiffany is the Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.