Michael Donnelly
Professor Michael Donnelly - Professor of Education and Social PolicyProfessor Michael Donnelly is a Professor of Education and Social Policy in the Department of Education.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Professor Michael Donnelly is a Professor of Education and Social Policy in the Department of Education.
Michael Fertig is a senior lecturer in education with research interests in school leadership and management in developing countries.
Michael is an honorary research fellow in the Department for Health.
Michael is a professor of inorganic chemistry in the Department of Chemistry.
Michael researches operations and supply management in public and private sector settings. Current interests include professional work and senior care.
Michael is a reader in the Department of Psychology with research interests in cognition and multiple sensory modalities.
Michael is a visiting lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
Michael's interests are in online learning. Current projects: widening participation via blended UG programmes and design of interactive online activities.
Michael is a professor in the Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology.
Michael is a professor of inorganic chemistry in the Department of Chemistry.