Guidance for managing legionella risk in school, faculty and department water systems and equipment
This document provides advice and guidance on managing legionella risk in departmental owned and maintained equipment.
Documents and other files you can download.
This document provides advice and guidance on managing legionella risk in departmental owned and maintained equipment.
Provides step by step guidance on using the HMRC online CEST tool.
Use this guidance to map your HEA Fellowship against the academic promotions teaching criteria.
A toolkit to help you assess how assertive you are.
The University's hybrid worker safety guidance for line managers and employees.
This guide explains how professional services staff are able to work on a hybrid basis where their role can be performed remotely.
New members of staff will need guidance, support and information in order to establish themselves quickly as an effective member of our University.
A form for you to detail your proposed interview arrangements. Once complete please return this form to your Recruitment Coordinator by email.
The Welcome Pack is full of useful information to help you as a new member of staff at the University.
Download the KIT/SPLIT days form to record the hours you have worked whilst keeping in touch during your maternity, adoption or shared parental leave.