Instructions to find purchase card transaction numbers
How to find purchase card transaction numbers in Smartclient Agresso.
Documents and other files you can download.
How to find purchase card transaction numbers in Smartclient Agresso.
Follow these instructions to help test the new Research Ethics form for February 2023.
Our process and summary for protecting the intellectual property of our academic staff.
Use this form to apply for an interest-free loan to cover Home Office application fees and legal advice, to secure a legal right to live and work in the UK.
Read or download formal details of the operation and processes of the University's Internal Audit department.
Documentation to support the Internal Peer Review process, including the template for comments.
If you are a member of staff, use this form to request advice from the University’s internal legal services team so that your request is tracked correctly.
Findings from the survey and desk-based research on participatory research and public and patient involvement at the University of Bath.
The International Relations Office (IRO) Newsletter provides the latest news from the University and updates on the University’s international activity.
2019 entry terms and conditions for undergraduate international scholarships.