Magalhães General Assembly 2023 Accommodation Options
Details of suggested accomodation options and special negotiated rates in Bath for the Magalhães General Assembly 2023.
Documents and other files you can download.
Details of suggested accomodation options and special negotiated rates in Bath for the Magalhães General Assembly 2023.
Example of a major variations form. This form is used to explain budget variances.
Presentation slides from a seminar by Dr Rossa Donovan, 29 September 2020.
Innovate UK has a new MKTP programme, linking businesses with an academic team and graduate, for improved management practice and business performance.
For members of staff responsible for managing contractors.
A chart of the University's management structure, including our Senior Management team and Academic Leadership team.
How to upload probation forms to MSS.
Line manager guidance on how to use MSS.
Dr Joanne Hinds, Information, Decisions & Operations Division
The pre-work tasks you will need to complete before attending the course.