Member of Senate job specification
The commitments and key responsibilities of ex officio, elected, co-opted and student members of the University Senate.
Documents and other files you can download.
The commitments and key responsibilities of ex officio, elected, co-opted and student members of the University Senate.
Please read the role description for a member of Senate.
The appropriate action card should be followed in conjunction with the Universitys Incident Response Framework (IRF)
Resources to help you support members of your team.
A guide to helping colleagues who may be experiencing mental health problems.
An IPR Policy Brief examining mentally disordered offenders’ views of their risk assessment and management plans.
Annie Maw has sent a message of "congratulation and of sincere thanks" to everyone at the University for their response to the pandemic.
Dr Begoña Delgado-Charro, University of Bath, Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology
Use these resources to set objectives at the mid point of probation.
Monthly newsletters about construction developments of the Milner Centre for Evolution.