Overseas travel risk assessment checklist
A checklist to identify and assess risks associated with working in countries where the F&CDO advises against all travel, or all but essential travel.
Documents and other files you can download.
A checklist to identify and assess risks associated with working in countries where the F&CDO advises against all travel, or all but essential travel.
The Visitors Protocol helps staff coordinate incoming overseas delegations to the University and ensures procedures for support and follow-up are in place.
This questionnaire and review form will help to provide the information to make an initial assessment of a request to work overseas by a member of staff.
How the University of Bath ensures that its Student sponsor licence is safeguarded across the institution.
This questionnaire assesses catastrophising (ie. magnification, rumination, helpfulness) in children (8-16 years) with chronic pain.
This questionnaire assesses parents catastrophising (ie. magnification, rumination, helpfulness) about their children with chronic pain.
The leaflet is aimed at the Mandarin Chinese speaking parents of UG offer-holders.
For young people under 18 years old attending work experience, who require computer access.
Download a toolkit designed to help schools plan and enact their support for and engagement with parents.
You can apply for unpaid parental leave if you've been a member of staff at the University for a year or more. You need to give at least three weeks' notice.