Our University, Our Future Alumni Survey
A summary presentation of the Our University, Our Future alumni survey results.
Documents and other files you can download.
A summary presentation of the Our University, Our Future alumni survey results.
Our University, Our Future Report
A toolkit to help you clarify your workplace goals, identify obstacles and overcome them.
An English language version of the overseas student placements health and safety questionnaire.
A French language version of the overseas student placements health and safety questionnaire.
A German language version of the overseas student placements health and safety questionnaire.
An Italian language version of the overseas student placements health and safety questionnaire.
A Spanish language version of the overseas student placements health and safety questionnaire.
A checklist to identify and assess risks associated with working in countries where the F&CDO advises against all travel, or all but essential travel.
The Visitors Protocol helps staff coordinate incoming overseas delegations to the University and ensures procedures for support and follow-up are in place.