Big Tobacco, Big Avoidance
An analysis of the main tax avoidance structures used by tobacco companies, based on annual reports of parent companies and major subsidiaries in 2010-2019
Documents and other files you can download.
An analysis of the main tax avoidance structures used by tobacco companies, based on annual reports of parent companies and major subsidiaries in 2010-2019
This brief outlines how a complex network of subsidiaries could help tobacco giant Philip Morris International avoid tax.
This brief explores the network of secretive subsidiaries that sits at the heart of British American Tobacco's money movements.
A presentation given by Dr Marcelle McManus, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath at the I-SEE seminar on 15 November 2016.
An IPR Policy Brief exploring corporate strategies to promote biofuel sustainability.
Guidance for users of microbiological laboratories (code of practice).
This document showcases a successful Bronze application from the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Download resources for the Biology project related to the Olympics
Presentation slides from the I-SEE webinar by Professor Patricia Thornley, Director of European Bioenergy Research Institute, Aston University on 13 April 2021
Check the programme for our Biosciences Offer Holder Days so you can find out what will happen and when.