Widening Participation Teacher Advisory Group
Find out about how we work with teachers and advisers in our Widening Participation Teacher Advisory Group (WPTAG), the terms of reference and how you can join.
What the WPTAG is
The University of Bath has targets set out in its Access and Participation Plan to diversify the undergraduate student body. To achieve this the University has a Widening Participation Outreach Team who deliver a range of outreach activity to thousands of students each year. To ensure the activity is supporting students from under-represented backgrounds to reach Bath the WPTAG, made up of teachers and school/college professionals, exists to give teachers a voice in the design and delivery of outreach activity. The role of this advisory group is to act as a critical friend to the WP Outreach Team and to advise on the general University of Bath strategy for WP Outreach.
The WPTAG is chaired by the Head of Widening Participation and Access and agrees to meet three times a year. Members will give their opinions of current and planned outreach activity that will support the aims of recruiting a more diverse cohort of students to Bath.
In previous years the WPTAG had been involved in:
- providing feedback about our resources for Key Stage 4 students
- advising on the timetable for our annual Teacher and Adviser Conference
- shaping the content and delivery of our online Teacher and Adviser CPD Programme
How to get involved
If you would like to be part of the WPTAG, please email Sammi Jones at teacherchampions@bath.ac.uk
Terms of reference
Please find the terms of reference for the WPTAG below.