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University of Bath

COVID-19 academic experts

Across a whole range of themes, we have experts available who can help media by providing analysis on aspects of the coronavirus crisis from multiple angles.

This is a non-exhaustive list of University of Bath academics from across our Faculties and School of Management who can provide analysis on aspects of the current coronavirus crisis from different angles.

For further information, or for interview requests, please contact us via or call 01225-386319.

Please note we cannot guarantee availability of all academics at all times and most interviews would have to be conducted via Skype or Facetime.

The science of the virus

  • Adam Squires: Aerosol transmission of the virus, and effectiveness of ventilation, HEPA filters, masks etc
  • Andrew Preston: Studying bacterial pathogens (respiratory diseases) and making vaccines
  • Asel Sartbaeva: Storage of vaccines
  • Ben Ainsworth: Behavioural scientist who works on behavioural measures in relation to infection control.
  • Christof Lutteroth: The use of VR for home-based exercise and for eye-gaze (hands-free) typing
  • Ed Feil: Sequencing data to study bacterial pathogens, tracking epidemics, epidemiology
  • Emma Denham: Microbiology. How bacteria respond to changes in their environment and what they do to ensure their survival.
  • Jenny Scott: The role of pharmacists and how they can help in this crisis, including homeless people and their vulnerability in this situation. 
  • Kit Yates: Mathematical modelling behind pandemics like this 
  • Laurence Hurst: Genetics, mutation and evolution of microbes, biological aspects of disease transmission, including infection rates.
  • Matthew Lloyd: Drug discovery and development
  • Sam Sheppard: Genetics/genomics and evolution of bacterial pathogens.
  • Sarah Chapman: Vaccine hesitancy, or why people don’t take medicines.
  • Paula Moraga: Geospatial data analysis tools for informing the response to disease outbreaks
  • Stephen Husbands: Drug discovery and development.
  • Tim Rogers: The analysis of mathematical models of epidemics.

Business and economic impact

  • Andy Crane: Workforce exploitation and modern slavery
  • Andrew Graves: Logistics and effect on airlines and wider industry including self-employment
  • Andy Rowell: Tobacco and the industry response to covid
  • Anna Gilmore: The tobacco industry
  • Bruce Morley: Impact on exchange rates, volatility and the effect on financial markets
  • Chris Budd: Mathematical modelling of effects on areas such as supply chains, food, energy creation, cleaning of ambulances etc.
  • Chris Martin: Monetary policy including what Central Banks have done
  • Elenora Fichera: Health economics
  • Jens Roehrich: Supply chains, including for supermarkets
  • Neil Howard: Universal basic income as a policy response
  • Luke Martinelli: Universal basic Income and trade offs
  • Michael Rogerson: Corporate ethical behaviour and workers' rights
  • Don Lancaster: Brand strategy and communications
  • Tamsin McLaren: Fashion retail innovation and strategy

Individuals' health and wellbeing

Political and social effects