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Covid-19 funding support for doctoral students

Whether you're in receipt of a funded studentship, are self-funded or are working part-time to fund your research, this is the support available to you.

Regardless of whether you are funded or not, you will no doubt have questions about the support that is available to you to help you mitigate some of the disruption previously caused by Covid-19. The answers to these questions are likely to vary depending upon your funding arrangements and your personal circumstances, and you may be better contacting the Doctoral College at to ask for more tailored guidance. However, the following general guidance may be a useful place to start.

Summary of options

Option Description Notes
Research Interruption scheme (Covid-19) - Fee-free period If your data collection was delayed by Covid-19 and you want an agreed fee-free period, equivalent to that lost due to Covid, you can apply to this scheme. Form to complete. Not available to students who qualify for other support.
3-month fee-free extension of registration Available to all doctoral students who were registered in June 2020. Applies at end of registration period – which may be a year after funding has ended, but students can make a case for it to be applied sooner.
Suspension of studies Provides a temporary halt to your studies (and any fee payments for that period). Time lost to studies is effectively added to your end of registration / submission deadline. Funded students would not receive their stipends during this period. Not normally possible for Tier4 visa-holders (see latest Student Immigration guidance.
Transfer to writing up If you have completed your minimum period of study, and the data collection phase of your research, you could transfer to writing up status (with the approval of your supervisor), which would incur a lower fee. See here for details of fees. Students on Tier 4 visas can only switch to a Continuation fee.
University Hardship Fund For those experiencing financial difficulty who are unable to meet basic or unexpected additional costs from other sources of support, and for those who have experienced a change in financial circumstances due to unforeseen events. Cannot be used for tuition fee payments.

Research Interruption Scheme (fee-free period)

The Research Interruption scheme is for those who lost time using University resources due to Covid-19. With this scheme you are permitted access to labs or other facilities for an agreed fee-free period, equivalent to that lost due to Covid.

You must have completed your minimum period of study for the fee-free period to begin. If you haven’t done so at the time of applying, the fee-free period will be implemented once you have completed the minimum period. You will retain full access to all resources (including facilities such as Laboratories, which are not normally available when transferred to Writing-Up) without changing your status. Once that period is passed, you will either revert to paying full fees or transfer to Writing-Up, whichever is appropriate.

If approved, this arrangement can be put in place to take effect when your funding ends or, if you're self-funded, when the data collection phase of your programme would normally be complete.

You cannot apply for this scheme if you qualify for any other support. If you want to take advantage of this facility you'll need to apply and provide evidence to demonstrate that you have been unable to benefit from other measures to mitigate the impact of the disruption on the progress of your active research. Your application will also need to include appropriate evidence of the nature and level of disruption experienced.

To apply, fill in this form and email it to your Doctoral College Administrator.

3-month fee-free extension to registration period

In June 2020, University Senate approved a proposal that all doctoral students registered at that time should be given a 3-month fee free extension to their registration period, to help alleviate some of the impact of Covid-19. Many students have already had that extension applied and others will be able to take advantage of it as they approach the final year of their doctorate. In exceptional cases, the extension can be applied earlier than a student’s registration end date.

If you want to know more about how this extension can be used to help mitigate the disruption caused by Covid-19, or if you would like to make a case for it to be applied earlier, please contact your Doctoral College Administrator.

Suspension of studies

If you are unable to continue working at all such that you feel that you will need a suspension of studies or an extension of your registration period, you should talk to your supervisor and contact the Doctoral College in the normal way. If you are receiving studentship funding, your studentship payments will stop during a suspension of studies after a period allowing for sick leave. If you are not in receipt of funding support, you will not be required to pay fees during a period of suspension.

If you would like to find out more about suspending your studies you can contact your Doctoral College Administrator, or see the guide to suspending your studies.

Transfer to writing up

If you have completed your minimum period of study, and the data collection phase of your research, and you are writing up your thesis, you could transfer to writing up status (with the approval of your supervisor), which would incur a lower fee. You will ned to complete a form to request a change to writing up status. If you want to know more about this process, and what options are available to Home and Overseas students, you can contact your Doctoral College Administrator.

Hardship fund

If you are experiencing hardship issues, you should contact the University Hardship Fund, which is for those students who are experiencing financial difficulty and are unable to meet basic or unexpected additional costs from other sources of support, and for those who have experienced a change in financial circumstances due to unforeseen events.