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Guidance and forms for staff involved in doctoral provision

Supervisors, Directors of Studies and Examiners may find the following resources useful in carrying out their role.


The following Guidance for Supervisors, Directors of Studies and Examiners complements Guidance and forms for doctoral students which you may also wish to refer to.

If you cannot find the information you need, please contact your Doctoral College Programme Administrator.

Supervisor & Director of Studies Resources

The following guidance is available for supervisors

Resources from the doctoral supervision workshops - this page contains the slides, handout and other resources from the workshops.

Supporting Doctoral Supervisors Toolkit - these Wiki pages provide extensive guidance and resources for supervisors, including tips from other supervisors, at each stage of the doctoral supervision journey.

Supervisors Guide - a guide for Supervisors developed by Student Services.

Student Services advice for staff - guidance to help staff support their students and enable them to succeed and develop resilience.

Director of Studies Resources

There are a number of resources specifically available for Directors of Studies, including handouts and recordings of speakers from the most recent induction event, a Director of Studies profile and details of the Director of Studies Forum. Contact the Doctoral Quality Framework Officer for more information.

Regulations and Policy

QA7 Appendix 1: Supervisor Responsibilities - guidance on the role and responsibilities of a supervisor.

QA7 Research Degrees - the University’s Quality Assurance Code of Practice statement on research degrees.

Regulation 16 – Admissions Regulations and Conditions for the Award of Higher Degrees - the University regulations for doctoral students.

Admissions and Recruitment

Guidance on Doctoral Recruitment and Admissions - guidance for staff about the policies and procedures for Doctoral Recruitment and Admissions.

Guidance on Due Diligence - guidance on how to request a due diligence check on an external funder of a doctoral research project ahead of recruitment occurring.

Interview Decision Record - a form for staff to complete to document outcomes of student interviews.

Doctoral Admissions - information for applicants on studying for a postgraduate research degree.

Induction and Getting Started

Doctoral induction

The Doctoral College produces general guidance on doctoral induction, with a specific version for mid-year arrivals. Contact the Doctoral Engagement Manager at for further information.

Checklist for first meetings between Supervisor and doctoral student - a useful checklist of things that might be discussed during the first few meetings between supervisor and student.

Ethics: A Guide for Doctoral Students sets out student responsibilities and process for ensuring that all paperwork, and any subsequent applications requiring full ethical approval, are completed and submitted in good time.

Health and safety for doctoral students - policies, risk assessments and contacts for health and safety.


Confirmation Process Guide for Staff - a staff guide on the Confirmation process for PhD and EngD students.

Data Management Plans -guidance for staff required to review Data Management Plans.

PGR14 Appointment of Progression Board of Examiners for Doctoral Research Degrees - an online form in SAMIS for staff to use to appoint the Progression Board of Examiners. You will receive an email prompting you to complete this task at the appropriate time.

Change of Circumstances

Suspension of study - advice for staff when a doctoral student is considering or needs to suspend their studies, and how to get support from other teams in the University.

Student Guidance - student facing guidance and forms.

Students approaching the end of their studies

This Guide for students approaching the end of their studies gives step by step advice on the different stages that students need to go through.

Final Examination

PGR13 Appointment of Examiners for Doctoral Research Degrees - a form for staff to use to appoint the Board of Examiners for the final viva examination.

Guidelines for Research Examiners - guidance on the role and responsibilities of a Board of Examiners (both internal and external examiners).

Guide note on the organisation of final vivas - information for staff on the organisation of final vivas following thesis/portfolio submission.

Other Resources

SAMIS User Manuals - a useful reference guide for academic staff involved in undertaking tasks in SAMIS, such as Candidature or Progress Reports (Section 8).

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