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Guide to the resources available to doctoral students

Guidance and resources that will help you throughout your doctoral studies.

The QA7 Research Degrees document sets out the University's expectations, processes, roles and responsibilities in relation to doctoral programmes.

This guide highlights some useful resources to support you through your doctorate.

The Doctoral College

Find out more about the Doctoral College and your programme support contacts.


Joining the University

Useful pre-arrival information about joining the University.

Starting your research programme

An overview of what induction activities you need to complete when you start your studies.

Peer mentoring

Find out more about peer mentoring for new students.

Your research programme

Academic milestones

This guide sets out the academic milestones of your doctoral programme. We also have specific guidance on:

Attendance and leave entitlements

Find out about attendance expectations and your leave entitlements as a doctoral student.


Information on how to make the most of your doctoral supervision.

Guidance and Forms

Guidance and links to the forms that you will need to complete during the course of your doctoral studies.

Ethics: A Guide for Doctoral Students

This guide highlights the University's policy and processes on ethics for doctoral researchers.

Guidance for students on surveying other students

Find information, advice and protocol for students planning to survey other students to gather opinions or as part of research towards dissertations and theses.

Suspending your studies

The guide to Suspending your studies if you are a doctoral student includes information about how to decide whether a suspension might be applicable, other factors to consider, as well as preparing for your return to study.

Support through your studies

Find out about the range of support available throughout your doctorate to help with issues affecting progression, your wellbeing, personal circumstance or finances.

Health and Safety

Health and safety policy and advice for doctoral students

There is specific health and safety guidance issued to doctoral students

Covid-19 information and guidance

[Covid-19 information and guidance] is regularly updated to ensure the University fully understands specific protocols put in place.

Off-campus research activities

Our off-campus research guidance outlines how to work safely off campus for research activities and who you need to inform.

Your professional development

Managing your professional development

Find out about the University's expectations and how to manage your own professional development

Teaching during your doctoral studies

Find out more about teaching within the University; how to get involved and what support is available.

Undertaking a placement or other work experience

Find out more about undertaking a placement or other work experience as part of your doctoral degree.


Pure is the University's research information system which is used for internal and external reporting, performance review and benchmarking. You are automatically set up with a Pure account as well as a profile in the University's Research portal when you join us. Please do keep your account and profile up to date.

Office and study space

Doctoral office space should be available in your academic department. The university also provides a range of study space on campus and in the city for students to book, some of which is restricted to postgraduate (masters and doctoral) or doctoral-only.

Doctoral representation

Find out how you can share your views and be represented.