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Due Diligence process for doctoral studentships with external funders

The University's process for applying for funding and managing doctoral studentships with collaborators, to comply with funder requirements and minimise risk.

University's due diligence procedures

If the doctoral research project you are developing involves funding provided from external organisations (excluding UKRI), we may need to complete financial and capability due diligence checks. These checks are undertaken to comply with funder requirements and to minimise the University's exposure to risk.

The following countries are subject to UK government sanctions: Afghanistan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea), Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Mayanmar, Nicaragua, Russia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe.

If your proposal involves collaborating with institutions in any of these countries, please contact the Doctoral College to discuss at the earliest opportunity. Email

Requesting a Due Diligence check on the Doctoral Research project funders

If the doctoral research project you are developing involves funding provided from external organisations (excluding UKRI), you must complete the doctoral research project due diligence questionnaire.

The questionnaire asks for or basic information about the doctoral research project and the other funder(s) and allows the due diligence team to determine what level of checks, if any, must be applied to the funder(s). You must complete the questionnaire for every new doctoral research projects, even if you have already worked with the funder(s) on previous projects (doctoral research projects or other).

The questionnaire must be completed before any recruitment activities can begin e.g advertising the project. We recommend that it is done at the earliest possible stage, before any informal agreements are made with the external funder, so that if any issues are identified they can be rectified early in the process, so as to not impede the development of the research project, the recruitment of the doctoral researcher or preparation of the collaboration agreement.

The questionnaire will be reviewed by the Doctoral Recruitment and Admissions team and you will be informed whether due dilligence checks need to be completed or not. If no checks are required, the team will send you the relevant recruitment information. If checks are required, it may take upto 2 weeks, for the check to be completed. The team will send you the outcome and the next steps required if any or the relevant recruitment information.

Further support

For any advice or to speak to us before starting a project, or during implementation, please reach out to us

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