Gabriele Edwards
Gabriele Edwards - LecturerGabriele Edwards is a lecturer in the Department of Education.
Details about the roles and careers of members of staff, as well as their contact information.
Gabriele Edwards is a lecturer in the Department of Education.
Gabriele manages the X-Ray Diffraction service within the Physical Structure Characterisation Facility. She oversees instrument operation and user training.
Dr Gail Forey oversees strategies for learning, teaching and student experience for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in the Faculty.
Dr Gail Forey oversees strategies for learning, teaching and student experience for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in the Faculty.
Galadriel is a Lecturer & Senior Tutor in the Department of Politics, Languages & International Studies.
Gamila specialises in information, decisions and operations.
Gareth is a professor in the Department of Chemistry.
Gareth is a lecturer in sport in the Department for Health.
Gary is a professor in aerospace engineering with research expertise in land-based gas turbine and aero-engine (jet) technology.
Gary is a senior teaching fellow in the Department of Physics.