Geoff Holman
Geoffrey Holman - Honorary ProfessorGeoff is a professor in the Cell and Developmental Biology research group, in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
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Geoff is a professor in the Cell and Developmental Biology research group, in the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Geoff’s research interest centre on the relationship between international context, firm finance, and strategy and HR outcomes.
Geoffrey is an honorary professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Geoffrey is a professor emeritus in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Geoff is a senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Geof is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Social & Policy Sciences.
George researches issues related to the natural environment, social change, organizational legitimacy, communication, and sustainability.
George is an emeritus professor in the Vice-Chancellor's Office.
George is a lecturer in the Department of Psychology.
Georgie works across the University to help academic colleagues develop and maintain the software tools they need to achieve their research objectives.