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Eastwood Terrace student accommodation

Eastwood Terrace is for undergraduate students, consisting of 361 rooms on the east side of campus.

Welcome to Eastwood Terrace

Eastwood Terrace has 361 standard rooms across 28 townhouses. Each house is shared by between 11 and 13 students, creating a homely feel and a friendly community. The recent refurbishment of Eastwood Terrace included the addition of bespoke outdoor social areas, including allocated laundry drying zones and BBQ spaces. To make you feel safe and at home, Eastwood Terrace has a secure living environment, with swipe card access to the buildings and flats and a dedicated operations team.

Eastwood Bedroom

Key features of Eastwood Terrace

Just a few of the benefits of living here.

Accommodation Prices

Find out how much it costs to live in Eastwood Terrace and compare with our other undergraduate accommodation options.

A standard room in Eastwood Terrace costs £173 per week. There are 361 rooms with 358 standard rooms and three studio rooms.

Getting to know your accommodation

Living in Eastwood Terrace gives you everything you need to work, relax and rest.

An Eastwood Terrace bedroom

Standard rooms have:

  • standard 91cm x 183cm single bed with reading light
  • wash basin and vanity unit
  • use of communal showers and toilets
  • a large communal kitchen, perfect for cooking meals and socialising with your flatmates.

Images show typical Eastwood Terrace rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.

Floor plan

A typical floor plan for a standard bedroom in Eastwood Terrace with a washbasin. This is an example, not all bedrooms are exactly the same.

A floor plan for a standard bedroom in Eastwood Terrace with a washbasin

Room numbers

Each Eastwood Terrace house has three floors. There are between 11 and 13 bedrooms in each accommodation. Your room details contain your house and room number. For example, the room number E25.05 means you are located in Eastwood house number 25, room five.

Accommodation for students with a diagnosed medical condition or disability

We have studio rooms available in Eastwood Terrace.

There is no accessible accommodation for students with disabilities.

Find out if you're eligible to apply for this accommodation

Apply to live in Eastwood Terrace


Speak to our ResLife team for further information, support and guidance.