Rooms in Thornbank Gardens cost between £218 and £239 per week. There are 221 rooms in Thornbank Gardens with 208 ensuite rooms priced at £218. Thornbank Gardens also has a limited number of studio rooms priced at £239.
Thornbank Gardens student accommodation
Located just outside the city centre, Thornbank Gardens is accommodation for undergraduates students.
Welcome to Thornbank
Thornbank gardens is located in the Oldfield Park area of Bath, is home to over 200 undergraduate students living in ensuite bedrooms. Each flat is shared between eight to ten students with a large communal kitchen, perfect for cooking meals and socialising. To make you feel safe and at home, Thornbank Gardens has a secure living environment, with swipe card access to the buildings and flats and a dedicated operations team.

Key features of Thornbank Gardens include:
Just a few of the benefits of living here.
Accommodation Prices
Find out how much it costs to live in Thornbank Gardens and compare with our other accommodation options.
Explore in 360 degrees
View an ensuite bedroom in Thornbank Gardens in 360 degrees. Images show typical Thornbank Gardens rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.
Getting to know your accommodation
Thornbank Gardens give you everything you need to work, rest and relax.

Ensuite rooms have:
- standard 91cm x 183cm single bed
- your own ensuite shower, toilet and washbasin
- a large communal kitchen shared with your flatmates
Studio flats have:
- standard 91cm x 183cm single bed
- your own ensuite shower, toilet and washbasin
- small kitchenette with ceramic hob (non induction), microwave, fridge-freezer and sink
All students living in Thornbank Gardens have access to a Living Lounge on the ground floor, where you can relax and socialise with your housemates. The lounge has soft seating, a television and is where your mailboxes are.
Images show typical Thornbank Gardens rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.
Image gallery
Explore Thornbank Gardens further. Images show typical Thornbank Gardens rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.
Floor plan
A typical bedroom floor plan for Thornbank Gardens. This is an example, not all bedrooms are exactly the same.

Accommodation for students with disabilities
There is no accessible accommodation for students with disabilities in Thornbank Gardens.
If you have a disability or additional needs, you can choose to live in one of the specially adapted bedrooms in our accommodation.
Find out if you're eligible to apply for this accommodation
Apply to live in Thornbank GardensEnquiries
Speak to our ResLife team for further information, support and guidance.