Responding to the death or serious injury of a student
The steps to take if anybody finds a student who is dead or seriously injured.
Guidance on how you should respond to incidents involving students.
The steps to take if anybody finds a student who is dead or seriously injured.
What staff should do and who they should contact if a student is missing.
The aim of this plan is to ensure that the University responds to international incidents which may affect students and staff abroad and / or in Bath.
Advice for staff on how to respond to students in distress and how to get support from other teams within the University.
Advice and guidance for staff if a student tells you they have been sexually assaulted or harassed
Information on how you can support your students if they come to you about a wellbeing issue.
Key information and resources to support academic advisors.
A factsheet giving advice and guidance to academic staff who supervise doctoral students.
A factsheet giving advice and guidance on providing pastoral support to students for postgraduate students who teach.
What academic departments should do when they learn a student is pregnant, adopting, or the partner of someone who is pregnant.
Guidance on practical steps you can take to ensure trans students have a successful experience at the University of Bath.
A factsheet with guidance for staff on supporting students who are care leavers, estranged from their family, refugees, young adult carers or who are under 18.
This information will help you make sure that the correct adjustments are in place for students with disabilities.
Guidance for staff on how to support disabled students and where to find information.
What a Disability Access Plan (DAP) is and how to access one using SAMIS.
Information on common specific learning differences and disabilities and how to support students affected by them.
A factsheet giving advice and guidance to increase the accessibility of your work.
Advice on developing inclusive practice in teaching and learning for students with disabilities, medical conditions or learning difficulties.
We are pleased to announce the purchase of SensusAccess – a tool that will allow you to convert documents into a range of alternative formats.
How to protect data while communicating effectively about students.
Guidance for staff about protecting student confidentiality while responding sensitively to the concerns of parents, carers and other third parties.
Guidance on how to advise and support students who are considering suspending or withdrawing from the University or who are returning to study.
Advice for staff when a doctoral student is considering or needs to suspend their studies, and how to get support from other teams within the University.
Advice for academic staff when a UG/PGT student is considering or needs to suspend their studies, and how to get support from other teams within the University.
Steps staff should take to support undergraduate or postgraduate taught students who are returning from a period of suspension.
A factsheet giving advice and guidance to academic staff if a UG or PGT student is considering withdrawing from the University.
Guidance from the Equality and Human Rights Commission when supporting students
A message from the Pro-VCs for Student Experience and Education & Global about updated advice from the EHRC as well as existing sources of guidance and support
If you have any questions about how you should support a student, or you need further guidance, please get in touch.